Saturday, July 13, 2024

This is nakedness in words with no apologies or explanations or and partial views or partial or partialities shown to taint or to tarnish , varnish or blemish the narrative and naked I edited spontaneous writings recorded quickly in their puritues!


Between auto correcting and finger

Tapping on this small phone key all

Aboard now, ready or not , you hear

Me?!?! Loud and clear on the eve of

Bastille Day voila on vient tout suite!

Loving the clutter the disarray the con-

Fusion friction fractions fractures fun!

It all really is to keep alert to check the

Lines to be sure that is does not become

East as it just did above with auto correct!

I am a happy soul so caught up in my head!

So content at peace with much of myself

But not with the constant noise inside and

Out I will butt my head will small my head

With my butt to silence all those over-thinks

This nasty thoughts those negative vibes

That keep on knocking my about as if I was

In a boxing ring! I will have none of that!

That that just became tasty by auto-correct!

So good to be patient though my feelings 

And thoughts rush way ahead of me and do

Not care a fart for my artifice my art if I 

Keep up or not! So I plod along learning 

As best as I can and able to put into practice

My insights delights relishes my delectables

My earnest attempts at clarity to clarify to

Appreciate all my idios my idiocyncrashes 

My gnashes of teeth and tongue to test best

Me si sooooooo some sour serious silly Saint!

I am but human wishing to live butt naked 

To respond to myself and my surroundings 

To love to laugh to linger languish long for

All that I touch and by feeling do earned loved

Touched topped tainted tried trued tree’edtreaded

threaded breaded bedded  sped wed weeded

Weathered feathered featured frothed freed!

Perhaps I am all alone, another breed?! So

Be it so be me so be we so must this all be!

Whee whee spree me you us three decree!

Friday, March 22, 2024

How can or May it be so visceral?! Vanity out the windows, blasted out, inhibitions flushed down the toilet, our toilette’s better be done!

 No stops no barriers, was there ever really any resistance!?!?

What was anyone really either ashamed of or afraid from!?!?

What’s the name of this replay, this game, this taunt, flaunt!?

What’s to gain? Any thoughts anymore of pain!? Any sprains?

Not in the fucking foreseeable! Just whether we being game are

Able!? Mable, Gable, the body-physical is gone to blubber mush

Pulp pant pamper pistol piston perky partakes piss persuasion, pot

Pimping pumping, perfuming percussion persimmon, pancakes!

Syrup maple dripping from our frazzled hair and wadding them

To our foreheads,nwithout cares, no scares, no scars as of yet! All

So preliminary, all so base basic bastards and bitches we have become!

We don’t give a rat’s ass as long as we can smell each others! We are

So fucking pissed, so out of it, so not aware, so dazed so dazzled in a

Delectable numbness of sexualities drenched drained dragged through

The others sweat, it was so sweet once, the thought, past that, no even

A memory of it, any of it at all, our neighbors heard us, they have come

To cum for our spoils our spells our so-availableness that they pause

So quickly to see and decide for themselves, they’re home, what the

Fuck!? You take one, I’ll take the other, we’ll fuck them silly all over

Them once again and keep it up till we look just like them, and we all

So sweating swearing shitless grinning fall in one big heap run a mock!

Gd they’re all so messed up, like we’re taking them like candy our baby’s!

Saturday, March 16, 2024

I am fucking naked! I am fucking warm and fucking cold, me the sandwich meats between the two!


Fucking bold! Fucking not caring! Fucking me!

I was am meant to be me and not some cookie-cutter-

Counter-dicker-asser you might want me to be, just let

Me be me! Just let me sleep naked! Just let me get up 

To pee! Just love most of me as much as you can and

Not just judge constantly me be cause I I am a guy that

Wants to be comatose and be fucked and fondled, man=

Mmmmmm-yum- mmmmm-men-handled-panhandled-

Fucked deliriously out of my mind, under your spell,

So very under your control,nat roll you ate, under you




ALL yes NOW at once,,pounce dance prance romance ME!

I want it all give it all to me! MmmmmmManMenHandleME!

Thursday, March 14, 2024

I just want to con yes to neck somehow find mix be accepted, not X-Luded-clueded-clued-in-accepted, not run off, run away WAY fro

 What is this THING this deal this meal this complain!?!?

Why we are ON or sooooo OFF on so many different plays

Planes plains, places, com places, maces, tray traces, spaces!?!

How in the Nature natural normal did we beCUMconstantlySO

Displaced placed disgraced, untraced, maced, massed, messed,

So FUCKING might NOT be good, used for the other’s good

As if we did not exist at all X cept to serve those maligned BAD

For them not for us you better believe I type the truth, not our GOOD!

We have been fucked over for so long, some of us like me by and large

Left alone as I am on my own beautiful LaLa play stay cray display 

Plane on a plain with many a frown a gray a strain stain crane so true

I am not denying any of this , for, in my o own TOTAL way have so

Played my part my cards my arts my tarts my fr fr fr fr farts catharts!

I am no fucking angel, I am to blame, I have for cert been soo LAME!

I am so not tame, I am here for you to claim, but I will,ntoo lay my claim!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Why? Why for? Why must be there such a note , a notion, an ocean of times the word “ naughty “;is summoned up in our dialogue!?!?n


Should the image on ‘ naughty ‘ be allowed in labeling

Our actions, our human behaviors?!? Our acts, our intents

Spoken or simply thought!?! Why when we climax do we

Utter the words “ Jesus “, “ God “,:” Christ! “ in moments 

Of intense sexual release, or “ shit “ or “ fuck “ and so many

Other words in passion and intense sexual contacts!? Is because

The act of copulation is supposed to yield a child to grow up

Christian or some other faith to serve the finite, firm ,myself- 

serving aims and purposes of that faith!? Is it not acceptable to

Have faith devoid of church or state or any other organization

That would have and become instruments alone for them to

Further their purposes that never consider ours for a single

Moment or instance as that would be their waste of time and 

Weaken their positions!?!?

I am  my basest lowest most animal, most naked when

So strikingly naked and vulnerable in the dark n the

Park, on the lake, in a cabin , by a stream, leaning on

 A car for balance and support, and more!? It’s when

I want to be my nakedest possible, my available as I

Can and may be as I want to loosen my grip on myself 

And on stern condescending reality that would never

Have any of this because it would only serve to confuse!

Confuse what? Muddle when, distract why, excite where!?!
We think of all this catching ourselves in our many acts of
Defiance, of straying, going far away to be lost then found.
Lost to our outer shell selves and found by our inner turmoils!
Working it all of our systems. To be seen on the scene and be!

We are all really tangled up bloody, dirty, lying, confessing messes!
We know not what we do and yet we all know exactly what we

Sunday, March 10, 2024

To be naked is our greatest strength as it eliminates all the pomp and circumstance that clothes conceal us to our eyes and to the eyes of others!

 Clothes have their place but should not be

That which displaces us and robs us from

Ourselves as we are never realLy truly ours

Ourselves hidden away in costume in guise

In roles and riches and rags and threadbare 

Shiny soft glitzy sparkly satiny finery that

Takes ours and others eyes away from us 

As we are born to be seen on scene screen

As nakedly naturally normally bare to just

Our skins our hides our asses butts pricks,

Vaginas tits hair pubic public humans X

So unposed so unadorned X cept with

Jewelry of shells and stones and wood

And minerals and natural colors from

Ashes and barks and muds and woods

Leaves, minerals and so much that

Nature provides that is natural and

Not chemicals and additives to dupe

Us and make us pay more in makeup,

Too, as those that lure us to these pro-

Ducts spend the least they have 5o,

Make the most they can, and with our

Hard earned money laugh and smile

All the way to their banks thinking to

Themselves “;suckers! “ more where

They came from, we love our false &

Baseless claims to help them be getter

Knowing all the time that they are just

Fine just the way they are poor fools!

I know better of course, I am soooooo

Fine just the way I am, no scam no foul

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

I am weak and I am preyed upon on screen being a blatant mix of obsessive cock a do a oodle of cock will do you will cluster together and do do diddle doodle dab grab dabble scrabble my fece my face my ass mon cul mi nagas tembem tambien bien bueno bountifullnthrust and grabs pulling closer again encore again to gain maximum real release of balls balling and busting me oooh oohhPEnbWIDE sez Alladin Tarzan Bat Masterson Zorro and Zorba!