Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Time is told now by my hand on my cock, I can no longer see the hand on the clock, my eyes are closed

 All attention is on my being at attention, at my age

Not at full attention except all my nerves are there

Fully attentive, the goal is so innate, so primal

So desperate as desperate gets to achieve a single

Goal, here alone, all me beating my heart quickens

My hand left to its own devices needs nothing at

All as it strokes as the hands on the clock tick tick

They all quicken n sync in rhythm i harmony gone

Back to being wild wanting winning at the stroke

Of the dawning of life jettisoned out into the 

Wild wholly water world  voracious for its next

Meal  and the clock and three hands both click 

And stroke on up up and away till eyes shutter

And that sweet balm of sleep cones on and cum

And sweat calm down and dry matted skin on.

Life goes on

Life and lives and those possibilities of it want OUT!
Spout! Spout! oUT!

Monday, January 29, 2024

I”m soooo tired I want to write now with my eyes closed, my clothes off, what am I able to write? Follow me in the absurd trial here!


I cannot do this, impossible and I love the concept

Very much so I will type quickly and hope that I

A, steady and able to tap this keyboard once and

Write the right words, not the ones where my 

Finger hits another because I am not in the center

Of each square even though I am attempting 

Everything I assure you fair and square and all

Above board here as I am not playing at cards!

I am not much of a gambler at all as the very idea scares the
Shit out of me and makes me so afraid of all those bad asses
Out there that do not give a shit about me or my family, they
Just are in life for the money, the power, the prestige, their
Vanities being stroked and pampered and their humors satisfied!

I am in it for the pleasure of being useful, helpful, and
A part of something much bigger than myself.
I am here to be positive, naked, not fake, real!

I love being alive, I am trying to shed all my Societal
Masks and guises that are mostly all pure bull-
Shit, not real, mockeries of ourselves and
What we can and should be if we all just 
Stayed focused on living up to our
Dreams and fantasies and expectations
That we set for ourselves, by ourselves
To live as we really are and wish to live!
Fuck off to all the rest , especially all
The bullies, haters, liars, assholes!

Friday, January 26, 2024

Nothing like sitting nude on the couch with the cool air touching my bareness,

 I feel wild , a child in the wild the outdoors the

Meadows with tall grasses, the corn field in Bra-

Sil in my earliest days an image I remember so

Vividly so definitely, walking between the stalks 

Shucking a corn, all that soft mane of that corn

Between my fingers and sticking to my hands,

So soft, the green tusks outer covering so dry

And soft-rough-tough etching my lower arms,

A discovery a revelation a pastime a recovery

Wonder if I kept that piece of shucked corn or

Threw it back into the camouflage as I was not

Supposed to be there doing that, the wild infant

Rebellious, curious, defiant to a point in me! Oh

Yeah! Loved that adventurer  me  then, still do!

It has never been lost in all these 70 years! I am

So proud of that, I guard this side of me firmly

You or anyone else will never take this away

From me! Don’t even try, you are wasting your

Time and breath hat is always most of me, see!?

I am me! Me me me me me! You see me!?!?!? Try hard, try harder,
Still try harder again, I am more, much more than bare bear skin!
I am!  Tony, Friday , January 26, 2024 going to be close to 70 today, 
YAY! 9:21AM now.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

The word alone is magic, the state of it being , it be in g, you be in g na na na na nak nak naked with clothes without free of their weights , just bareness and skin and flesh X posed on glory!


The way born of simply blood and bones

Water the ingredient unseen yet so present

Water that supports life bones that hold it

Up in place that give humans some grace

Some appeal some means of movement so

We all my walk, skip, hop, jump and dive!

To be naked to walk naked, I have, have you?

I walked naked at night in dark in loss of most

Light so few could me clearly see and yet I am

So happy for these brief moments alone when I

Rather would be together with others to X mark

Our spots, X plore X preen our skins our marks

Of birth, our scars our dimples and pimples, that

Fat that wrinkle, the sagging skin, the burns and

 Varicose veins for we all need not be vain, we

Do not have to ever apologize for our forms our

Frames our beings as they are without foto shops

Without our battle marks, we are what we are, we

Are real and should not be embarrassed for our

Bare asses, our hair or lack of, our frames not

Like another’s for individuals we are, not here

To make excuses or feed the cosmetic industries

To be made ashamed of ourselves serves others

To elevate them artificially above us, to make

Them lots of money, fuck all of that, fuck them

Once and for all, make no apologies, stand tall

Hold your ground, your head held up straight

And high, your nakedness your badge your stamp

Of self approval and love and belief & appreciation

Of what your parents gave you, not too shabby at all!

Monday, January 8, 2024

Being freely, frankly me naked!

yay! It is now the perfect timing, I must not be silenced, must be seen and heard , not obscene, not rude or a prude,just a happy, natural, normal, exhibitionist nude! Tony 1/8/2024
Happy Monday, my life is changing for my better self, my better good!