Monday, February 27, 2023

Nudity is a blessing disguised and hidden by clothes wat too often, she’d them garments as I have! 2/27/2023

enjoy thy nudity without shame or prudity as i have and still am! Anthony TONY Quinn my very own yellow submarine, sunflower, daffodil, delight! last night before it got torn down to make room for a new bathroom! no bath for me tonight!mdarn it, i love my baths! i sure do!

I love my nakedness inside and out, on my surface and in within me, I display it, play it, pamper it, cajole it, cool to it, purr to it, growl and roar and wink and blink and blast blare it, too!

join me! rant roar rave ravish roam, roast rest, refer, reflect - be naked yourself true!Tony i try, i am! remidelling bathroom, day and night ONE! cheers, Anthony TONY Quinn