Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Why? Why for? Why must be there such a note , a notion, an ocean of times the word “ naughty “;is summoned up in our dialogue!?!?n


Should the image on ‘ naughty ‘ be allowed in labeling

Our actions, our human behaviors?!? Our acts, our intents

Spoken or simply thought!?! Why when we climax do we

Utter the words “ Jesus “, “ God “,:” Christ! “ in moments 

Of intense sexual release, or “ shit “ or “ fuck “ and so many

Other words in passion and intense sexual contacts!? Is because

The act of copulation is supposed to yield a child to grow up

Christian or some other faith to serve the finite, firm ,myself- 

serving aims and purposes of that faith!? Is it not acceptable to

Have faith devoid of church or state or any other organization

That would have and become instruments alone for them to

Further their purposes that never consider ours for a single

Moment or instance as that would be their waste of time and 

Weaken their positions!?!?

I am  my basest lowest most animal, most naked when

So strikingly naked and vulnerable in the dark n the

Park, on the lake, in a cabin , by a stream, leaning on

 A car for balance and support, and more!? It’s when

I want to be my nakedest possible, my available as I

Can and may be as I want to loosen my grip on myself 

And on stern condescending reality that would never

Have any of this because it would only serve to confuse!

Confuse what? Muddle when, distract why, excite where!?!
We think of all this catching ourselves in our many acts of
Defiance, of straying, going far away to be lost then found.
Lost to our outer shell selves and found by our inner turmoils!
Working it all of our systems. To be seen on the scene and be!

We are all really tangled up bloody, dirty, lying, confessing messes!
We know not what we do and yet we all know exactly what we

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